Alumni branches

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Alumni Structure

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About the Alumni

The decision to establish an Alumni Association was by sheer coincidence and decisions taken by very few of us who attended the 10th year commemoration of May 8 at FEDPOFFA in 2009. It was a coincidence because none of the persons in attendance had premonition that it will happen or that there will be such discussion whatsoever

The few people in attendance agreed and called for a meeting later in the evening of that day at Goodies Hotel, Offa and unanimously agreed that we jump start the process of having an Alumni Association and in same vein unanimously appointed among those in attendance, the 5 man Steering Committee to pilot the process.

History of FEDPOFFA

The Federal Polytechnic, Offa came into existence in 1992. A presidential pronouncement for its establishment was made at the Palace of His Royal Highness, Olofa of Offa, Oba Mustapha Olawoore Olanipekun Ariwajoye II, by the then Military President, Ibrahim Babangida during a state visit in 1991

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About the Alunmi

The decision to establish an Alumni Association was by sheer coincidence and decisions taken by very few of us who attended the 10th year commemoration of May 8 at FEDPOFFA in 2009. It was a coincidence because none of the persons in attendance had premonition

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To provide a link between The Federal Polytechnic Offa and its graduates and through them, the public in general. To assist the Polytechnic in whatever way possible in its development and in its strived to

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May 8 commemoration

May 8 commemoration is a yearly programme of the Alumni Association to remember the victims of May 8 year 2000 occurrence. As an Alumni Association, it our believe that the sacrifice of our dear heroes should not go unnoticed

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3-Year Strategic Plan

The three-year (3) strategic plan unveiled captured 9 (9) points agenda which spread across Communication and Engagement, Networking and Reunion Events, Professional Development and Lifelong Learning, Recognition and Awards

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Mentorship Program

As an Alumni Association, it is our joy to see graduates of the Federal Polytechnic Offa spread across the globe and making waves in their different fields of endeavor.  The Alumni mentorship program is designed to assist the students to actualise their dreams

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Alumni Ethics
How we Operate

A member of the association shall at all times: not put himself in a position where his personal interest conflicts with his duties and responsibilities, not be a member or, belong to, or take part in any illegal

The Alumni Association presently has a two part leadership; the Central EXCOs and Board of Trustees. The EXCOs steers the daily operations of the Association. The daily administrative work of the association is designated on the campus

In pursuant of the 3-Year Strategic Plan of the Federal Polytechnic Offa Alumni Association, the Mentorship Team presents maiden Capacity Building Training

Theme:  Steps to Career Advancement

Date: March 30, 2024
Time: 1600 GMT+1
Venue: Virtual

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What is Alumni?
Alumni is the community of former students. Alumna (Female), Alumnus (Male). The Federal Polytechnic Offa Alumni includes students who have completed Certificates, National Diploma and Higher National Diploma.

How do I become a member of the FEDPOFFA Alumni Community?
You can become a member when you have fulfilled the requirements of a graduated from the Federal Polytechnic Offa in any of the Certification obtainable therefrom.

What is the cost of Membership?
Membership of the Alumni Community is free, lifelong and worldwide. The only thing you need to do to stay connected with the Community is to update your details.

Is there a Membership Subscription?
There is an annual membership subscription/checkoff

What are the Programmes of the Alumni?
The Programme of the Association is captured in her nine (9) points three-year strategic plan, namely communication and engagement, networking and reunion, professional development and lifelong learning, recognition and awards, volunteerism and giving opportunities, mentoring, physical infrastructure development, renovation and maintenance, and sports and recreational facilities downloadable on the website.

How can I support FEDPOFFA Alumni Community?
You can support the Association in a number of ways.

  1. Ensure your contact detail on the Alumni Database is correct
  2. Be an Ambassador by sharing the Association’s message
  3. Encourage fellow Alumna and Alumnus to keep in touch by constantly relate through links and platforms of the Association
  4. Navigate the Association’s website. Share with us features or changes you would like to see.
  5. Make a donation to support Research, Innovation and Security Trust Fund.

How do I access the Association’s Services?
You can access the Association’s services through the Alumni and Endowment Office at the Federal Polytechnic Offa

Who can I contact for further enquries?
Please contact:

The Deputy Registrar Alumni and Endowment,
Federal Polytechnic Offa,
Kwara State,
Official Email

How do I obtain my Student Records/Documentation (Transcript)?
Student Records/Documentation (transcript) may be obtained from the Academic & Records Office. The guidelines provide further information and you can order your transcript online by filling in and submitting this form. (Link to the school portal)

  • Transcript Help Desk: Mr. Adebiyi Mafe
  • Proficiency in English and Certificate Help Desk
    Mr. Kamaldeen Balogun

Do the Association/Community take donation?
Yes, the Association/Community is open to receiving donations in cash, projects partnership and sponsorship from individual (members and non members alike) and corporate entity

Why should I make a donation to the Association/Community?
Supports from Alumni and friends mean a great deal to joint ventureship in building our alma mata. It is also allows for the demonstration of our value for excellence in enhancing infrastructure development and many other vital parts of our activities that make FEDPOFFA an enviable place to study. The future of the Federal Polytechnic Offa depends on maintaining its reputation for diversity, innovation and quality.

How do I make the donation?
This could be done through the following:

  • Annual Subscription
  • Endowment Initiative
  • supporting the Polytechnic operating
  • Corporate and Cluster Funding
  • Stake Purchases among others